Payment methods ?
Your online payments are secured by the Centre Monétique Interbancaire (CMI), which offers a fully secure payment service.

How to order ?
Choose from our digital catalog the products that interest you and write them on your shopping cart according to the desired quantities.
You can return to the catalog and thus complete your shopping cart at any time.
Once you have made your choice, you click on the “Validation / Checkout” button and you will be redirected to the “Commande / Order” page of our site.
Once on this page, you will have to fill in the billing form concerning you and indicate, if the address of destination is different, the coordinates to be used for the sending of your order. If the shipping address is the same, do nothing more.
You will find on this page in the right part the summary of your order with the indicated subtotal.
Once you have indicated the country of destination in the billing form, the amount of shipping costs will appear as well as the overall amount, including shipping costs.
Once all this information is provided, you can click on the button “Commander / Place order”.
You will then be redirected to the secure payment CMI platform which will allow you to pay for your order via your credit card.
Amount of the order ?
All orders must reach a minimum amount of 50 €.
Shipping costs ?
The shipping costs depend on the order and are automatically calculated once you have specified the name of the destination country of your order.
They are indicated on the right side of the page “Commande/ Order” under the mention “Expéditon/ Shipping”.
Delivery delay
It usually takes between 1 week and 21 days to receive an order.
For any other question, thank you to contact us via our message form or on our email :
For more information, see our Terms of Sales